Likes and Dislikes of Monday Night Raw: I Don’t Feel Ucey

Hey all, Sleazy here, again filling in for The Fatman, who is still using only one hand. I don’t have much funny to say, so let’s get right into it.  WWE Monday Night Raw, from the Capital One Arena ( What’s In Your Wallet???) in Washington, DC.

Disliked: Fuck The Elias.

Seriously, what are we doing with Riddle here?  This revolving door of partners is kind of strange honestly, but it’s also a given figuring that they probably had a ton of plans with him and Orton before Randy went down. This week, Riddle picks up Kevin Owens for… A Tag Team Title Shot??? Okay whatever.  The segment finishes with Usos cleaning up on Riddle, then Solo giving him the Stretcher Job.  I hope this ends this foray for Riddle, let him sit on the sidelines a bit and figure out what to do with him in the meantime.


Disliked: The Women’s Division

Not one, but TWO of my least favorite types of matches featuring the female roster on this show: Triple threat.  First was Asuka, Rhea and Bayley, with Asuka OF COURSE eating the pin for Bayley.  The second one was Alexa, Nikki Cross, and Becky Lynch.  This was won by Alexa after the rest of DMGCTRL came by and casually interfered.  Both matches were not great, and this all sets up a match next week wtih Bliss Vs Bayley to challenge for the Raw title again.  Alexa winning that would be the best move, but I’m unsure if they will actually go that route.  Unfortunately I don’t want to see ANOTHER Bayley Belair match, and Alexa would be a weird challenger to Belair IMO, unless her character changes.


All the segments were dumb fun, and overall i just liked it all. At least it was funny, and had a lot of members of the roster interacting with each other.

Disliked: Rehash again.

I’m actually really missing a main Roster PPV right now – it seems like there’s a lot of plodding and rehashing of the same stuff on this show – Damage CTRL beating up the same people, Rollins and Lashley fighting for the US Title.  You know its a bad night when it’s refreshing to see… Dolph Ziggler? God damn pal.

Liked: Factions doing Faction Stuff

I liked the OC and Judgement day looking dominant on the show. It was a bad night for the preeminent jobbers of the show: Tozawa ( who never had a chance against the Greatest Guererro ) almost getting shitcanned if it wasn’t for the Street Profits, and Alpha Academy dying to the OC. I’m hoping that both teams really get to mean something in the future and it doesn’t include them facing each other unless some high stakes are involved.


Thanks pretty much it for this week.  Sorry for the downer show – hopefully it’ll pick back up next week.


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