LIKED and DISLIKED for WWE Monday Night Raw: I’m The Problem

Fatman here with another LIKED and DISLIKED for WWE Monday Night Raw.

We go LIVE on Twitch every Tuesday at 6:30PM EST. If you missed that, you can hear the edited cut of that show every Saturday morning ay 8AM wherever you get your favorite podcasts.

We have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT coming in November so look out for that.

Now lets get into what I LIKED and DISLIKED for the 10/17/22 episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma



Raw opens with Lashley mid promo. That was a little strange but it was different. Lashley says that he wants Lesnar. So Lesnar comes out and Lashley runs from him. They brawl with Lashley putting Lesnar through the guardrail and the announce table with security and some of the locker room trying to pull them apart. I think WWE uses these brawls a little too much much. It worked here though because these two men are HUGE and it makes sense. Hopefully their match at Crown Jewel will be better than their Rumble match.



The OC beats Alpha Academy in their first match back is the right call. The match was good because of course it was. The Judgment Day comes down mocking “too sweet”. Balor said that he was the one who started “that club” and challenges them to a match at Crown Jewel. Styles quickly accepts if it’s ok with their mommy (Rhea). Dom doesn’t like Styles calling his fuck buddy mommy. Styles calls Dom a piece of trash for what he did to Rey. Styles challenges Dom to a match. Dom says he isn’t ready so give him an hour.

Later, the match happens and its pretty good. Styles can carry a ham to a good match. The Judgment Day and the Good Brothers fight outside leaving Rhea to interfere and Dom gets the win with the ROLLUP OF DEATH. That was also the right call. It gives Dom a great win, the lose doesn’t hurt Styles, and the Judgment Day call gloat by saying that they are better. It makes sense. Everything they did here was the right decision. Good stuff.



Seth Rollins comes outs and gloats that he is the US Champion and the haters are gonna hate. He said that he tapped out at Extreme Rules for the fans. He did it so he could be in better shape to win the US Title which he did. Mustafa Ali comes out and says that Lashley promised him the a shot at the title. He said that they Champion might have changed but the promise remains the same. Rollins told Ali to get to the back of the line. Ali told Rollins that he staring at his “freakin problem”. Ali wants to fight. Rollins sucker punches his, Ali attacks from behind but Rollins runs him into the post.

Later in the show, Elias comes back and wants to sing Oklahoma City a song. I know what you are thinking. You are wondering how does this tie into Rollins and Ali? It does, I promise. Be patient! Just like every single time Elias wants to perform, he gets interrupted by Matt Riddle who comes out with BONGOS!!! Riddle is in awe of Elias. He says he’s a huge fan and asks Elias to “hit his bong”. Elias says that one day, Riddle will play with Elias. Elias starts to play and right before he’s about to sing, Rollins comes down for his US Title match against Riddle.

Elias stays down for the match. Of course, his match is great because it’s Rollins v. Riddle.  Elias actually interferes in the match at one point by hitting Rollins with a knee. Later in the match, Rollins wants Elias to hit him so he wins the match by DQ. Elias doesn’t so Rollins decks him. Riddle goes to hit the RKO, Elias goes in the ring, Rollins shoves Riddle into Elias, Rollins hits the Stomp, and wins. Rollins also stomps Elias for good measure. Ali comes down and attack Rollins. Rollins runs away as Raw goes off the air. Good way to make Elias feel important in his return while they keep Ali in the mix. More good stuff from Raw.



I don’t know about this match. I mean, I didn’t hate Damage Control v. Candice LeRae & Bianca Belair. I just didn’t like it. It was just there. LeRae took the lose because, lets be honest, no on else was going to lose that match. You can’t have the Tag Champs lose a match 4 days before they are defending the titles. Belair ain’t no losing a throwaway tag match. Bayley going to grab a kendo stick but Belair cuts her off was interesting. Next week it’s going to be Bayley v Belair in a…..normal non-title match? OK? Sooooo Bayley wins lol?



NO, NOT ME! JBL comes down and cuts a GREAT promo ripping Oklahoma. He says that Smackdown got Rey so Raw gets Mr. Baron Corbin. Corbin comes down looked bloated and dressed like in a Power Ranger costume he buy off Wish. He faces Dolph Ziggler. The match was what it was. It gets Corbin a win in his “debut”. Having JBL with Corbin could be really fun. I love JBL on the mic and I was pushing for him to join the commentary team. JBL should upgrade Corbin’s presentation.



Riddle was interviewed backstage. He says Ali and says that if he wins the US Title later (spoiler: HE DOESN’T), He’ll give Ali a title shot. But this is about The Miz. They saw the Miz on the ground grabbing his knee. Miz says he tore his ACL slipping on water and he can’t fight Lumis.

Later in the show, Miz is in the training room when Bryon Saxton shows up and has that he talked to the custodial staff and the floor hasn’t been mopped since last night. Miz asks Bryon if he is making up his injury to get out of his match. You hear someone says “Look, it’s Lumis”. Miz jumps up to run away and we see Johnny Gargano in the doorway. Gargano says “Oh, my mistake. It’s just Saxton”.

Miz is shown backstage before the match when Gargano shows up. Gargano says that he knows Lumis pretty well and he knows the “real story” between Lumis and Miz. Gargano says to “just tell the truth”. Miz doesn’t know what he is talking about. Miz says after he is done with Lumis, he’ll go after Gargano.

Lumis makes his entrance for the match and the Miz beats him down with a chair. The match doesn’t happen. Miz is backstage again and Gargano tells Miz that was a bad move and he should give Lumis what he promised. Miz says again that he doesn’t know what he is taking about. Gargano shows a whistle and says that if Miz doesn’t tell the truth, he will blow the whistle. After MONTHS of attacks, we FINALLY get somewhat of a motive as to why Lumis was attacking Miz. It also looks like the feud will move to Gargano which is a good step forward. I just hope to motive isn’t something dumb.


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