Fatman here with another edition of what I LIKED and DISLIKED for WWE Friday Night Smackdown.
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Shameless plugs are done, now lets get into what I LIKED and DISLIKED from the 10/28/22 episode of WWE Friday Night Smackdown from the Enterprise Center in St. Louis, Missouri.
Smackdown opens with the Brawling Brutes facing Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa. Before the match, Sami wants “all hands on deck” so when Roman gets there, they will have their hands raised. The match was good but pretty basic. The ending sees Butch going for a moonsault but Sami sees it. He plays possum but Jey pulls Sami out. Sami questions what Jey was doing. Jey says he was helping Sami. Solo gets between them. Ridge takes out Solo and Jey (Jimmy was already taken out) and Butch hits the ROLLUP OF DEATH on Sami for the win. Roman Reigns comes out and says that Jey and Sami need to fix this NOW. Sami says that he likes Jey. Sami says that he doesn’t know why Jey hates him but Sami is sorry. Sami reaches out his hand and Jey tells him to get it out of his face. He hates Sami because this is HIS family and he’s sick of Sami being around. He calls Sami a “Fake Ass Uce”. Sami questions why he is yelling at him, the Tribal Chief wants peace. Jey says “I doesn’t give a damn what the Tribal Chief says”. Roman slowly turned around and got in Jey’s face. Sami says that Jey didn’t mean that. He says that Jey has been going through a lot and he hasn’t be “vey ucey” lately. That line broke not only Jey buy Reigns as well! Roman says that if Jey doesn’t start “feeling ucey”, he’ll not only take away the “honorary” off Sami, but change his name to “Sami Uso”! This segment was GREAT.
There were also two quick segments with the Bloodline later in the show. The first one was Jey wanting to talk to Roman about Logan Paul’s punch from last week. Heyman says that it’s best if he tells Roman. The second is Heyman showing Reigns a clip of Paul punching in sparing sessions. Heyman says that he’s heard that Paul has steel pins in his hands. Reigns doesn’t want to hear it.
The New Day squash MMM and I think it’s time to scrap the gimmick. It was one of Vince’s last things he did. It’s not a Triple H gimmick and it shows. It’s not working and it has already ran it’s course.
I’ll quickly talk about some of the backstage segments.
1. (LIKED) I haven’t mentioned the Viking Raiders vignettes in these articles and that’s my bad. There are unique and I’m assuming that Sarah Logan is the female in them. The Raiders are talented dudes and will upgrade a tag division and needs an upgrade.
2. (DISLIKED) Sonya Deville talking about how Liv is broken and then Liv attacking her to set up a No DQ match for next week. I still don’t know or even get what they are doing with Liv Morgan.
3. (LIKED) Braun Strowman saying that Omos might be larger but he is stronger. Quick and simple.
4. (DISLIKED) LA Knight getting interrupted by Ricochet to set up a match for next week. It was quick and simple but I don’t know. It just seemed out of place for me.
5. (LIKED) Rey getting attacked by Imperium to set up the Intercontinental Title match for next week.
Most of the time, these segments work fine but it was a mixed bag this week.
The only challenge was that it was SOOOOO challenging for me to get through this match. Emma being back is…fine? I think she’s a decent performer but I honestly don’t think this is that big of an upgrade for the division. This match is a clear example. This was SOOOOOO FUCKING BAD. I can honestly say that Ronda v Emma looked like two workers who have only been in the business for 3 months and then had a match. I’m dead serious when I say that. It looked THAT BAD. Ronda is GOD AWFUL. She still doesn’t that stupid ” ARE YOU READY?” when she does he armbar. She 100% needs to STOP DOING THAT. Maybe focus on being better in the ring?
Legado Del Fantasma faces Hit Row and their mystery partner…Shinsuke Nakamara? COOL. The match was fine but having Naka get the win seems off to me. Wouldn’t you have one of Hit Row get the win? To me, having Naka get the win makes Hit Row look weak because they couldn’t beat LDF. Maybe that’s where they are going with it but it’s not a good look.
Karrion Kross returns after he was almost MURDERED a few weeks ago to face Madcap Moss in a 12 minute squash match? WHAT?!?!?!? Moss isn’t an over face so why are you having a 12 minute match where Kross does boring moves the whole time? This should have been 5 minutes AT MOST. Kross puts off Moss in the Kross Jacket and cuts a promo sayings that history will repeat itself when Drew loses to Kross at Crown Jewel. COOL.
Bray Wyatt comes out and says that there are no smoke and mirrors and this is the real me. He used to be out of control and his emotions send him to dark places. He has don some horrible things and there will be a time where he will be asked to do something horrible. The lights go out and a video plays. The character says that he will teach Bray to revel in what he is. He says that Bray doesn’t wear a mask but he knows that’s not true. Bray wont be about to hide from “Uncle Howdy”. I liked it but I think they need to do a better job to try to understand what Uncle Howdy is saying. Maybe it’s because I’m deaf but I couldn’t understand him the both times he was on TV. I had to use subtitles. That’s my only nit-pick.
If you agree or disagree, please leave a comment below.
As always,. thanks for reading!